Sphere the Mind-Killer: pure Psychedelic nostalgia?

What it’s like to groove on Earth’s only LED moon
— Read on www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/sphere-is-the-mind-killer/ar-AA1nJebc

— There is something about the pure digital ability of technology and the pure analogue experience of psychedelics that clash.

I am reminded of the 80′s movie Lawnmower Man, where chemicals and tech come together in a strange glomerate of beauty, sex, power, God, and insanity.

Of course it’s in Vegas (my mind comments).

The Sphere: the epitome of spiritual capital that injects its insidious version of the modern high-god directly into our wish-for-something-more-than-our-mundane-lives senses.

The herb is a plant! (My mind just said..or was that Bob Marley’s soul?)

Celebrate the marriage between our inner and outer – sure! That is the Great Wish and Modus Operandi of every religious spirituality as well as science. Of course God would direct us to technology in the end.

Maybe it’s a beginning…

… or a sensual glut.

(Why are you kicking against the pricks?)

Yet, there is something about the removal of the psychedelic launch of the senses that calls us into the tech a-maze-ment which then (only then) shows us the general boredom of living in the past through the present reflection of it.

Quite ironic. Which is at the heart of the psychedelic experience. The mixing of the senses is but a distraction to the real even of life.