The “Evidence-Based” myth of mental health treatment.

I use evidence based practices, but I’m often not really happy about saying it.

When someone is suffering some sort of mental issue to the point that they feel that they have to go to get treatment for it, it is natural and sensible in our day, now, to look for people who are doing “evidenced based” treatment.

What is the evidence of mental issue?

What is Evidence Based?

The interesting thing about that is that the effectiveness of the “evidence-based treatment” is only relevant statistically in the exact conditions that the study and results were made.

I think that regular people seeking mental health treatment, but as well as a lot of the providers, believe that if they receive or advertise (respectively) themselves as doing treatment that is “evidence-based“, that the job is getting done better, or there is a better possibility that they’re gonna be able to fix, and the client has a better chance of getting fixed.

And that’s just simply not true. Ask any scientist.

In the strict and simple sense of ‘evidence based’, the better likelihood is that the psychologist is going to get another client..

The point of evidence based practice is based on the assumption that the people who are getting trained in the area of mental health treatment have gained a broad enough education that they can use their intelligence and their knowledge and understanding about what the mental health field is involved with, producing, and activating, that we/ they/ I as an evidence-based practitioner know what I’m doing when you come into my office.

The fact that CBT might be an evidence-based treatment, is only showing relevance in the specific conditions of the experiments and the research of the controlled environment that was created for the purpose of seeing if it had any sort of validity at all.

Now, I’m not saying that evidence-based treatment is not good. But I am saying that a lot of people misunderstand what it actually means.

If I’m coming into an office and expect some sort of mental health doctor or psychiatrist or psychologist to fix me, I’m already moving down that line of misunderstanding, which is probably contributing and has contributed to my mental health issue in the first place.

👽 🤠

You, are powerful.

I’ll brave the storm to come…