“I get it!”

When learning a new idea or concept, often it doesn’t make a lot of sense at first. The various descriptions may seem dubious, and we might fail to …

Talking across the boundary of the epiphany

—- wonderful exploration of tue issue!

My added contemplation considers that such epiphany is just a function of the human being, and not a function of what is “getting anything”.

I’ll explain.

I think the most poignant example could be the reverse case, which I think is more significant than whether or not the person who “gets it” is actually the one that’s deluded.

Anyone who has raised a child through their teenage years should know what I’m talking about. Because one of the main things about being a teenager is “you don’t get it”.

Get what? I ask.

What it’s like. She says.


Is not this is a perfect example of the exact same situation of any sort of condition of knowledge?

And if we remove the idea that we are actually coming upon a progression of knowledge into true scientific theories as opposed to not understanding those great theories —

It seems to me that what is actually happening is that as human beings grow they develop this “first sense”, a kind of primary function of consciousness, where the growing human being comes upon this great sense of self that no one understands, or, that only some people understand, but they understand in such a way that really they don’t even have to talk about it. It seems that only the people that “get it” are people that don’t really have to talk about or itemize or be specific about what they’re actually getting.

Then perhaps as we grow older and just the plain ability to have concepts grows in complexity, this shift becomes more idealistic, it becomes more about something that is “out there” that you don’t get or I don’t care. It becomes more of an abstraction . Instead of just this individual human being that no one understands, as our brains develop we become more abstract about what there is that we are “getting” or not. Such that all sorts of shifts in the manifestation of ability to conceptualize occurs.

And then we could even take the step to find out that there is all sorts of “learned concepts” that anyone at any particular time “does not get”, and that fall into the condition about this author describes it well. Such as being a christian or adherent to any teligion of culture. Or that dolphins are more advanced than us. Or that the democrats are part of a liberal sex trade conspiracy.
