What is “best”?

So often and everywhere do I hear the idea “best“ in terms that are generally left assumed.

But in thinking about it, most often people use the word “best“ or “better than“ as meaning “more people have access to“.

Or “has more details“, or “has more options“.

And that just got me to thinking. Is best quantity or quality?

And when we naturally want to side on quality, are we really measuring that quality by quantity?

Is something better, for example, in its educational potential if we can reach more people? Is the quality of educational potential in any item better because now more people can access it?

I wonder if a quality of education which reaches only a few people is actually better than an education which meets tons of people.

And then, if we can answer truthfully those two separated questions. Can we then come to a more real and true understanding of what humanity actually is and what it does, and how to manage it towards its best potential?